How we can help

An organisation succeeds when it is good at making a valuable contribution to the market. Another way of expressing this idea is that an organisation succeeds when it is good at offering a valuable service to people. The question all organisations must face then is how to ensure that their service/contribution is valuable to people/the market. 

Effective leadership requires a fundamental shift in the traditional approach to management and has a critical effect on team excellence. The original research conducted by Etsko Schuitema, in the 1980s, demonstrated that effective leadership is essentially tied up with the issue of employee trust in management.

Organisations can be described as a team sport in which there is a task that needs to get done and this task is passed around between members of a team or between teams within an organisation. Fundamentally, each interaction of passing the task between team members can have one of two characters: it can either be fundamentally competitive, or it can be fundamentally cooperative/collaborative. 

People are significant on the basis of their contribution; the value that they add to others during their lifetime. They are significant for what they put in, not for what they get out. Being here to give or to serve is, therefore, the core criterion which accounts for excellence in any individual. When people have cracked the code of appropriate contribution, they realise the best in themselves and come to be able to live their greater lives.


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+27 (0) 11 867 0587

+92 42 3570 1456

+46 73 043 56 82
