An examination of the key elements of Personal Excellence which are necessary for success
in terms of both leadership and personal fulfillment.
The leadership approach which we have been teaching at Schuitema Group emphasizes that the key problem facing leadership at work is to establish legitimate relationships of command. What we have discovered is that these relationships are only seen to be legitimate if the two criteria of care and growth are operative in relationships between subordinates and superordinates at work. The criterion of growth implies a willingness to entrust responsibility to people. It means that the person who is doing the enabling has to have the courage to take the risk to entrust people. This capacity to take risks relates directly to the individual’s basic assumptions about existence. If you are convinced that the universe is an unfriendly place you are bound to be nervous of taking risks in your life generally and with your subordinates particularly.
Furthermore, the criterion of care, we have found, has an unconditional requirement associated with it. In other words, to truly care for people requires a remarkable degree of maturity and personal mastery of the person doing the caring. In short, you cannot lead anyone else if you are not in charge of your own life. The Personal Excellence Programme is a five day programme aimed at providing an opportunity for people to establish the existential gravity and maturity which is so essential in leading others. It is an examination of the key elements of personal excellence which are necessary for success both in terms of the leadership of people and personal fulfillment. The programme examines the following:
09h30 – Introduction Exploring Personal Excellence
13h00 – Lunch 14h00 – Reflection and Action
18h00 – Meditation
19h00 – Dinner 20h00 – Personal Reflection
07h00 – Meditation 08h00 – Breakfast
09h00 – Exploring Transactional Correctness(Walk)
13h00 – Lunch 14h00 – Constructing the categories of transactional correctness 18h00 – Meditation
19h00 – Dinner 20h00 – Personal Reflection
07h00 – Meditation 08h00 – Breakfast
09h00 – Pursuing the Essence – Techniques of
transmuting resentment into gratitude
13h00 – Lunch 14h00 – Constructing Biographies
18h00 – Meditation 19h00 – Dinner
20h00 – Personal Reflection
07h00 – Meditation 08h00 – Breakfast
09h00 – Reviewing Biography 13h00 – Lunch
14h00 – Understanding Growth
18h00 – Meditation 19h00 – Dinner
20h00 – Personal Reflection
07h00 – Meditation 08h00 – Breakfast
09h00 – Re-engaging the world – establishing
values 13h00 – Lunch
Please advise us if you have any special dietary requirements. It is advisable to bring along comfortable and warm clothing (warm hats and gloves in winter) and good walking shoes. Dress code is casual. Delegates stay at the venue.
Should you have any queries or nominees please direct them to the schuitema office at +27 (0)11 867 0587 |
Oaklands contact numbers: +27 (0)79 529 2314 / +27 (0)79 848 9991 (Annie) +27 (0)58 671 0067/77
Oaklands GPS Co-ordinates: Latitude: 28°18’38.42″S
Etsko Schuitema is a renowned business consultant who has authored numerous books including Leadership: The Care and Growth Model and Intent: The Core of Being Human. He is a senior partner in Schuitema, a business transformation consultancy operating worldwide.
“Successful leaders understand that you cannot buy loyalty and commitment, you have to earn it.”
Etsko Schuitema